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Re: Ford Prefect parts for Lotus VI & VIII

Subject: Re: Ford Prefect parts for Lotus VI & VIII
From: Mike Causer <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 98 16:24:10 +0100 wrote on Tue, 16 Jun 1998 -
> I am looking for a Ford Prefect three spoke steering wheel.  The steering
> wheel I am looking for has wire spokes.  This was the type steering wheel used
> on my Lotus VIII (867 BMX) and I would like to use the original type steering
> wheel.  Does anyone have an idea where such a wheel could be found?

I can have a look, there may be one attached to the spare steering box (wrong
hand though :-( in my garage.   I haven't looked at it for so long I cannot

> I also need four 16" Ford Prefect (or Anglia) stock steel wheels for my Lotus
> VI.  The car now has 15" wheels, but the car originally had 16" and I would
> like to return it to the original configuration.  Any suggestions?

I'm glad you asked me that question.  I just happen to have 4 original Ford
wheels and I need some 15" wheels for my own Six.  Is it worth considering a
swap?  The only snag is that we would have to figure in trans-Atlantic shipping.


  Mike Causer -- Support Manager -- Cambridge Animation Systems
  Email:             Phone: +44 1223 578100
  Web:           Fax: +44 1223 578101

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