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Re: Elan EFI

To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net, sean murray <>
Subject: Re: Elan EFI
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 98 11:18:19 PST8

>I'm confused about how this list is operating.  I get E-mail from
>individuals on the list,  I don't get any from "Chapman Era". Is this correct ?


You should notice that all the mail both ways (to and from you) copies the list.

The list sends/receives to all subscribers on the list, who are then free to 
read and respond to all the mail.  Anybody who responds will be sending to both 
the individual (unless that address is deleted by the respondant) and the list, 
so the message goes to the original author twice (once directly and once because
the list sends to everyone).
>I also delete many Lotus Digest e-mails as there is little or nothing of 
>interest to me (Plus 2 owner)
I too have very little interest in Esprits and M100s.  This list is more focused
on the  cars I like.


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