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Re: DeTomaso

To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net, Dick Carlson <>
Subject: Re: DeTomaso
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 98 07:14:28 PST8
Dick Carlson <> wrote on
Date:    3/12/98 6:17 AM:

 >The head of the Mazda design facility in L.A., Tom Matano, and one of
>the principals behind the Miata (a Chapman-era car), has a Vallelunga 
>which he drives regularly, and takes it to the Miata corral at the 
>Monterey Historics.


Ah, good karma.  Thanks for renewing my long-held but lately shaken opinion that
great minds think alike.  I had a chance years ago to buy a fairly nice 
Vallelunga for $4500!  But then, I've done other stupid things like selling my 
Porsche Speedster for $1500 and my Elite for $6000!  These experiences have 
reinforced my pack-rat mentality.  I will have at least one Elan until the very 

My wife (a delighted Miata owner for 8 years now) drove the new Miata last 
night.  I haven't seen her this excited about a car since she bought hers home. 
She'll keep hers for awhile but really likes the new one too.... says she'll 
probably get one in a couple years.

This talk about the Kia M100 stealing Miata customers is funny.  Any customers 
it steals bought the wrong car in the first place and will deserve their new 
acquisition (but why wouldn't they have gone for the Mercury Capri originally...
hmmm).  Somehow, I doubt that the Kia will have much impact.



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