Reply to: RE>>Elan Cams
Hey thanks for doing the transcription, Tim. That was very interesting.
As we've observed before, it's really hard to get tables to come across
right, but the double spacing *did* help to decipher it after the fact.
Holy balls to the wall, batman.... 576E0116 is a pretty serious piece of
hardware, innit?
> Lift Duration
> Clearance
> Gross Valve Gross @ .020 @.050 MOP Intake
>Exhaust Comments
> 576 E 0116 .497 .490 330 292 102 .007
> .008 Brian Hart ZL-16 clone
I didn't realize that any twin cam cams were offered, sporting that kind
of duration. Maybe the Brian Hart ZL-16 was a former BD grind, that
Dave Bean has adopted as a twin cam grind?
Erik Berg