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Re: Bell housing

To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net, Brent G DeWitt <>
Subject: Re: Bell housing
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 97 13:09:47 PST8
     If you're in the LA area, there is a place that makes aluminum 
     adapters for lots of odd combinations.  He's in Pacoima or someplace 
     nearby.  Mostly associated with VW to something else.  I got a Mazda 
     rotary to VW trans. adapter and found he had others.  He can probably 
     make something non-standard up too.
     I'm sorry I forgot the name (well-established.  Someone will probably 

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Subject: Bell housing
Author:  Brent G DeWitt <> at CCGATE
Date:    2/6/97 12:05 PM

I need some education from the list members.
I would like to use the 5-speed from a Merkur XR4-Ti with 
a 1600 (soon to be 1700) Ford Kent crossflow.
>From what I've read, the transmission is a T9, correct?
Where does one find a bell housing to mate the two?
Does the clutch from the Merkur work, or the orginal 
Capri/Escort clutch.
Sorry if any of these seem to be stupid questions.
Brent DeWitt
RM Super 7 in progress

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