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draft intro info for chapma

To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: draft intro info for chapma
From: "Erik Berg" <>
Date: 4 Feb 1997 00:22:57 -0800
 Reply to:     draft intro info for chapman-era

Howdy, Mark.

Thanks for your amazingly fast response, getting chapman-era set up. I can't 
imagine how you can manage so many lists... and still turn around new 
requests like this one so quickly.  Uncanny.  If you ever need a job as a 
sysadmin, I have no doubt that TRW would hire you in a flash.  :-)

Anyway, to try to reduce your work setting up chapman-era to the absolute
*minimum* possible, I've thrown together an intro information message.  Use
this intro message intact if it makes sense, or edit it to your heart's content.
This is the introductory information for the Chapman Era mailing list.   

chapman-era is a mailing list for early Lotus enthusiasts, or actually for fans 
of any sports or racing cars, similar in spirit to the Lotus cars of the 

Enthusiasm for light, agile, rwd cars designed for performance is a 
requirement.  Appreciation for bang-for-the-buck engineering is a common 
denominator.  Lotus ownership is optional.

chapman-era is a Majordomo based mailing list, administered as part of the hierarchy.

For help from Majordomo on, send the following in the body 
(not the subject line) of an email message to "":


Send your mail for the entire chapman-era list to

To subscribe to chapman-era, send the following in the body (not the subject 
line) of an email message to "":

        subscribe chapman-era

This will subscribe the account from which you sent the message. If you wish 
to subscribe using some other address, you'll have to send a command of the 
following form instead:

        subscribe chapman-era other-address@your_site.your_net

To unsubscribe from chapman-era, send the following in the body (not the 
subject line) of an email message to "":

        unsubscribe chapman-era

This will unsubscribe the account from which you sent the message. If you 
are subscribed with some other address, you'll have to send a command of 
the following form instead:

        unsubscribe chapman-era other-address@your_site.your_net

When you send some other request which majordomo doesn't understand to
the address, it may take days, maybe even a 
week before a real human gets around to reading it and actually acting upon 
it.  Be patient.  Someone will respond to you eventually.

Some things to note:
Like the other lists served from, this one exists through the 
volunteer efforts of the list manager, Mark J. Bradakis,  
The list manager retains the right to make any and all changes to list content, 
membership and policies, including dissolving the list, at any time as he sees 

The postings to this list are intended only for those on this list.  Any 
reproduction by any means without the express consent of the author is not
only rude and stupid, but prohibited.

Mail for the list gets sent to many people, traveling through many computers. 
This may take days to actually occur, because some sites still use once a day 
polling to transmit mail.

Given the current state of technology it is quite possible that one of those
links will exhibit some sort of problem.  When you post a message, you may 
get back error messages.  This DOES NOT mean you need to resend it.  What 
it does mean is that everybody got it except for maybe one or two folks. Don't 
repost things unless you are absolutely sure it did not reach anyone on the 

Remember that not everyone has the latest and greatest technology at their 
fingertips.  Keep your text limited to lines less than 80 characters long.  Use 
simple ASCII text.

Try to keep the size of your submissions under control.  Avoid long 
signatures at the end of your mail.  And if you are replying to a message, use 
discretion in how much of the original message you quote.  Forwarding a 
complete message only to add a single sentence or two of your own doesn't 
make sense.  Folks will delete the message they think they've already seen, 
long before they get to your comments.  Read over your text at least once 
before you send your message, to catch obvious editor errors, spelling 
errors and such.

Be nice.  Give people the benefit of the doubt.  While constructive criticism 
always welcome, please don't waste our time with inflammatory or 
null-content postings.  

When legitimate issues arise, attack the issue, not the person.  Debates 
sometimes can be worthwhile, as long as they don't get out of control.  When
a debate gets too long, be smart.... stop.  You don't have to win a debate to 
prove anything.

Public flames of other members are especially frowned upon.  If you have a 
problem with something or someone, it is recommended that you discuss it 


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