This is Micke's letter to me:
Hello Greg,
Me and a friend tried to match the 350 crank in a 3,5 l rover block by makin
the main jurnals in the block bigger, I don't remember how big but I think it
was upp to 3" . We alsow machined of some metal from the crank itself, when
puttin the crank into the block we notised that
som material had to be taken away from the block were the counterweights were
turnin, after doing that we even tried puttin in the cameshaft
but to turn the crank around we should have to machine down even more on the
crank so we stopped there.
I thought that it was going to be to much for the 3,5 block using the 350
crank so instead we are going to try the 300.
The block is right now at a machineshop for doin the mainjurnals ok for a 300
Unfortunatly my friend who is the big enginemechanic is out workin on a
freightship for a couple of months more so all work is restin for a
Thanks for the pic.
Send me more if it's ok for you !
I work at an Internet provider so I have free access to the "Net".
As I told you before do I not rememder all the figures for our build, but I
kniw that the big journals was taken down to the size for the 300 crank. If
the work with a 350 crank would not work we could always take the 300 instead.
The plan with rods were to use chevy smalblocks and some wierd pistons with
very low tops.
regards Micke