This follows up on Steve Chandler's note on possible hydraulic lifter
noises in his engine.
There is a BBS category in the MG sportscar BBS for the MGB V8 and V8
conversions. (In the mid-70's the MG factory made about 2600 MGB/GT coupes
with the Rover V8 - there are quite a few owners now doing conversions on
their own using the factory parts with old Buick or new RR engines).
A few months ago there was a long thread with many contributors regarding
ticking noises. It turned out to be a casting flaw in some of the engines,
wherein a sleeve was misaligned causing piston slap under certain
conditions; usually fully warmed-up and under light load or idling.
Unfortunately most of the meaty stuff in this thread disappeared due to a
glitch but there's still some interesting reading in the 15 or so comments
surviving....go to:
and scroll down to the "Help! Clicking from engine.." threads. Hope this
isn't Steve's problem, as the concensus was that the cure was a new block!
Bob Wilson