Hi Corky,
Yeah, I think those warnings are included in the article. Of
course, these days, why sleeve when one can find a good Rover 3.9
block. I think this is what Oliver wanted to know.
Subject: Re: Performance Questions
Author: Charles.K.Scott@Dartmouth.EDU (Charles K. Scott) at inetmail
Date: 8/31/98 2:42 PM
--- You wrote:
Instead of answering all of your questions one at a time, how about
visiting some of these web pages:
--- end of quote ---
Regarding Shirl Dickey's use of the Buick 215, he REALLY hotrodded that engine,
stroking it, resleeving it and making it produce over 250 horsepower. He also
turned his airplane into a glider with unsettling frequency.
The resleeving didn't work well in this application because, as I understand it,
there isn't much metal to support oversize sleeves. It can be done and has been
done for street cars, I hear, but with high output engines I guess it's not a
good idea.
He learned his lesson, having survived the several engine outages without severe
injury and did not attempt to sleeve any more engines. He was a little
disappointed with the power he developed without the sleeves but at least the
engine held together.
Interestingly he has now pulled the Buick for a Chevy Vortec V-6 with turbo
charging and says it's working well.
Corky Scott