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[British-cars] Cust Svc Kudos semi-TR related

To: <>, <>
Subject: [British-cars] Cust Svc Kudos semi-TR related
From: <>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 12:35:03 -0600
Last year, toward the end of the season, I bought a bottle of Meguiar's
Quick Wax for those fast and easy touch-ups.  I really liked the product but
when I got it out this year no amount of poking, prodding, squeezing &
soaking would get the sprayer to work on the still 90% full bottle.
So, I figure what the heck I would call the 800 number on the back and see
if they had a proven method of making it work.  The guy simply said to peel
the label off the front and mail it in with a note and he would replace the
sprayer.  Well, today I got a surprise, a whole new bottle of Quick Wax in
the mail, and only a 2 week turnaround for the whole process.
We spend our share of time bashing suppliers when they do a poor job, and I
fully agree that we should, but I just wanted to say that the Meguiar's
folks really took good care of me quickly and replaced the product above my
Of course NFI on my part.
Bill Beecher
'58 TR-3A TS/30766 L (rolling restoration)
"A Triumph is man's best friend, it always comes when it is called...of
course, some times it is difficult to make it go"
Suggested annual donation  $11.47

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