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Re: [British-cars] Restoration expert stole my car

Subject: Re: [British-cars] Restoration expert stole my car
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 16:03:04 -0700
I just went back and found that Brian had written:

"The car is a red TR3A, Comm # TS 76990L, red, the Comm tag is probably 
attached to the body."

That is probably the answer, as I suggested at the end of my last e-mail. 
I could see how if a car is completely unmarked and there is some sort of 
claim and sale as he described, there would be nothing the lienholder 
could do to find him and give him notice.   So, I guess the moral of this 
story is to make sure your car is marked and follow the status of your 
shop regularly!  For this to go from the time it took for the shop to 
close up, have the lawsuit, get the lien and have the lien sale, it had to 
be a lonnnng time that Brian hadn't visited the car.


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