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Re: [British-cars] British-cars Digest, Vol 4, Issue 13

Subject: Re: [British-cars] British-cars Digest, Vol 4, Issue 13
From: Duvall Mike <>
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 13:58:20 -0500
It sure sounds like there is a lot more to the story.  If the FBI is  
involved it isn't small potatoes and   I doubt a judge would sell off  
cars without asking about the titles.

I bet ten to one the guy sold off your car for parts and he is the  
one who did something illegal.   Did you report the car stolen?

On Aug 30, 2007, at 1:00 PM, wrote:

> Message: 5
> Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 19:15:49 -0400
> From: "brian fitzgerald" <>
> Subject: Re: [British-cars] [TR] Restoration expert stole my car
> I'm sure all proper public notifications regarding the sale of the  
> assets
> were made
> I'm equally sure I didn't read that section of the paper
> Latest update,
> the assets were sold,
> 1 guy lost the numbers matching TR 2 engine for his TR 2.
> My car maybe still be on Long Island
> I'm waiting for more info
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