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FOR SALE: 52 Issues of "Safety Fast" Magazine...

Subject: FOR SALE: 52 Issues of "Safety Fast" Magazine...
From: Reid Trummel <>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 21:39:23 -0700 (PDT)
...are currently available at auction on eBay.  Please

Or if that doesn't work, please items being sold by
seller healey_hobby

I also invite you to look at my other auctions for
items of interest to British car owners.  Thank you

Reid Trummel
Portland, Oregon

NOTICE:  The item referred to above, offered at
auction on, is a private sale and is not
associated with or endorsed by any other person,
organization or entity.  This message is posted to
this Mail List in strict accordance with list rules. 
The "FOR SALE" entry at the beginning of the subject
line is used as a courtesy to immediately and clearly
identify the nature of this message, and it allows
uninterested persons to delete the message without
reading.  For those interested, it constitutes a
service to notify them of items available that may be
of particular interest to them.  While this sale is
strictly a non-commercial, non-profit offer, if the
auction results in a substantial bid, I suppose that I
shall be forced to accept the total amount offered,
but I vow to donate excess proceeds to a good cause. 
Margaritas come to mind.  If you've read this far and
you're still feeling cranky about the whole deal,
please go back to pulling the wings off flies, or
whatever it is you do for personal amusement in the
privacy of your own home.  No animals were harmed in
the preparation and execution of this auction or this
message, although frankly I could not care less if
every spotted owl on the planet were to show up, face
down, in the Hudson River tomorrow morning.  Caution,
hot coffee can burn you.  It's for the children!

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