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[British Cars]It happens

To: british-cars@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: [British Cars]It happens
From: web@Autox.Team.Net
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 02:55:40 -0600
Over the course of the roughly 15 years that I've been shuffling bits for 
Team.Net I've had to do a number of various tasks.  Such things as dealing with 
bad addresses, subscribers who let their mailboxes overflow, badly configured 
programs that generate an infinite loop of 'Out of the Office' messages and 
such.  And of course deal with the various system administraton issues, 
hardware and software, of just keeping the machines up and running.  Like the 
major headache from the recent DSL problems.  Yuck.

While the various mundane tasks have grown over the years to occupy roughly an 
hour or two out of my life every day, that's what I do, I can deal with it.  
There is one exception, though.

It doesn't happen often, but it does happen.  Every few years or so I'll get a 
message from a surviving partner or family member requesting that some address 
be removed, as the person has passed away.  Doing so usually only takes a few 
moments, but I just don't like it.  I'm not fond of death, no matter who's 

Just tonight I removed Ron Yates from a few lists.  Some of you may know him, 
others may not.  He was well known in the Healey community, you can browse 
through the healey list archive for more details of his demise at Buttonwillow 
if you so desire.

I'm just going to sit here and ponder life, the universe and everything for a 


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