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Re: who's left?

To: <>
Subject: Re: who's left?
From: "Lee Daniels" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 21:49:23 -0500
Wow, now there's a name I haven't seen since my kids (now teenagers) were
still in diapers! I probably haven't written a thing to this list in a
decade either, but I still lurk. When 'british-cars' was the only list and
the "club" was pretty small, I could read the few messages a day.  Since
then I've moved, changed jobs, been around the world a couple of times, lost
hair where I wanted it and got it where I didn't.  The TR is still a mess,
the MGB I had was sold years ago.

Miq, we've never met, but your name sure is familiar.  I think you may have
even sent me a part I needed once.

-back into the abyss...
 Lee Daniels

> writes:
>I'm  still lurking out here too.....
>Miq  Millman

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