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Re: PC

To: Fred Talmadge <>
Subject: Re: PC
From: Phil Bates <>
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 15:44:13 -0700
Primary, secondary.

Fred Talmadge wrote:

> "In an interesting twist on political correctness, L.A. County has 
> banned the use of the terms 'Master/Slave' (commonly used to denote 
> hard drive arrangements.) According to, 'someone within the 
> County bureaucracy... had taken offense at "master/slave" references 
> and complained to the board.' L.A. County now requires that vendors 
> working with the county remove all 'master/slave' references. 
> Incredible."
> So now I'm sure we all want to update the names of the brake/clutch 
> cylinders, any suggestions?

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