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Re: Delanair?

To: Diane and Roland Dudley <>
Subject: Re: Delanair?
From: Phil Bates <>
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2003 22:40:31 -0700
I don't know much about it, but Delanair made the complex and highly 
unreliable jaguar HVAC control units.  I have one in my '75 XJ12C - 
climate control in the 70's go figure.  Anyhow, there is a manual for 
delanair units that fit jags.  I have one somewhere.  I wouldn't be 
surprised if it would match up for your car.  Try the jag-lover's list 
and archieves (, and/or e-bay for info and/or a copy 
of the manual

Phil Bates

Diane and Roland Dudley wrote:

>Anyone know anything about this company?  My snake has a Delanair heater.
>Above this label is says Delaney Gallay Ltd., London England.  I'm not
>looking for parts or anything.  Just curious.

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