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Re: Club Badges

Subject: Re: Club Badges
From: Norm <>
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 05:41:24 -0500
TASC - by your description is Taconic Auto Sports Club, Hudson Valley
NY.  More specifically the club was more or less centered on Jefferson
Valley in Westchester County NY where they held their icekhanas throiugh
the 60s and 70s.  When Nino's, the restaurant/bar overlooking Lake
Osceola sold and they no longer had the draw they didn't really have the
treasury to continue tyhe other fare of rallies and gymkhanas an was
disbanded by the end of the 80s.  My first rally and first icekhana was
theirs (first gymkhana being an SCCA event).  

TASC hosted the Taconic Autumn Tour TSD rally which ran in the Catskills
at the peak of foliage, usually the change off Daylight Savings weekend
and attracted TSD rallists of local and national reknown like Sam Fast
and "Doc" Wagner.  TASC also hosted the Rip Van Winkle SCCA National
rally in 1968 and the Maverick and Deja Vu SCCA Nationals in the 70s as
well as some SCCA Divisionals as well.  HTH.  My TASC badge disappeared
with my 442, I'd love a jpg if you can.  Norm  (there was a Tarheel
Sports Car Club in NC but their badge was different IIRC)

Calvin:  What's this music? 
Hobbes:  It's "The 1812 Overture." 
Calvin:  I kinda like it. Interesting percussion section. 
Hobbes:  Those are cannons. 
Calvin:  And they perform this in crowded concert halls?? Gee, I thought 
         classical music was boring!

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