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Re: Seven come Eleven [Long, funding]

To: "Healey List" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Seven come Eleven [Long, funding]
From: "George" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 10:14:27 -0700
Glad to help!  Paypal is quick and easy.

George Castleberry
1954 BN1L-157155
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark J Bradakis" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 12:12 AM
Subject: Seven come Eleven [Long, funding]

> April 11th, 2002.  For most everyone on the planet a typical thursday.  If
> of you have ever done a domain search on, you may have seen
> along the lines of
>     Record last updated on blah-blah-blah
>     Record expires on blah-blah-blah
>     Record Created on 11-Apr-1991.
> Yep, April 11th, 1991.  Eleven years ago the Team.Net domain hit the
> Both the british-cars and the autox list existed in various forms for a
> years before this, but I happen to like the April 11th date.  And who will
> soon forget another 11th, that dark day seven months ago?  Seven come
> Seven come eleven - a phrase I've heard before in relation to throwing
> I'm not a gambler, so I can't say what the phrase really means.  Of course
> one could argue that just about everything we do, even if we just cower
> the covers all day, is a gamble of some sort or another.
> Seven, eleven, just numbers - numbers that designate some of my favorite
> Lotus cars, and if you throw in a '4' for April, you can make 1147, the
> displacement of the early Spitfires, like the one I drove to Tinker Day
> saturday.  Gee, 4 plus 7 is 11.  One could prattle on for some time about
> numbers, that is not my intention.
> What I'm after is continued funding of the services.  Old
> hands on the lists may have been expecting this message for a while, folks
> who've just joined probably have no idea who I am or what I'm going on
> Basically, the roughly 100 lists served here under various domains are run
> from a motley collection of various computer bits I've gathered over the
> years, some scrounged from my job at the University of Utah, some
> with funds from previous funding drives.  I'm the man behind the curtain.
> Anyone remember my 'rats in the coffee' post?
> And the pile of hardware is hooked to a DSL line in my basement, sending
> automotive related information around the globe.  Network connectivity
> pulls roughly $75 per month out of my wallet.  Not an outrageous amount,
> it does add up.  So twice a year, spring and fall, I solicit funds from
> subscribers to the lists to cover the monthly charges and possibly get
> new hardware or another box of backup tapes or something.
> This year, the 'something' could be fairly significant.  As many of you
> noticed the archiving which had been taking place at Listquest no longer
> an option, they've gone belly.up it appears.  If you point your web
> to you may see that some of the lists have
> of the postings available in a browseable, searchable form.  All lists
> Mailman for list management ( ) have
> archives in place, though they aren't yet searchable.
> What I'd like to do is get ALL the posts from ALL the lists on line and
> available.  Doing so will require more disk space and more processing
> I did get a clean, one owner, slightly used machine from a Triumph and
> autocross fan who's been with the lists since the earth's crust cooled.
> Trouble is, the box didn't have any CPUs in it.  A Supermicro SGXP6DEG
> CPU motherboard, nice redundant power supplies, 70 gigs of disk under a
> controller, but no CPUs and only 128 megs of RAM.  So the plan for this
> spring is to get some CPU chips and more memory in the box, and try to
> it on line as the archive and web server.  Or maybe the archive, web and
> server, we shall see.  All I need is a pair of 500 - 700 MHz SECC (Slot 1?
> I'm not that up on Intel platform hardware) CPU boards, some more memory
> and some time to get it all set up.
> Which is where you come in.  If you feel the benefit of being a subscriber
> one of the roughly 100 lists I manage is of value to you, and you happen
> have some dollars burning a hole in your pocket, consider donating them to
> the cause.  If you happen to be an American citizen who just sent off a
> fat check to Uncle Sam, don't worry about sending in a contribution.  If
> just signed up and don't yet have an idea of what you are getting into,
> worry.  If you think that the policies and procedures I've put in place
> governing list behavior must be the work of the devil himself, or you gave
> last time, or you still don't have an idea of who I am and what I do for
> lists don't worry.  If you don't have any spare funds at the moment, or
> outside the US of A, or whatever, don't worry.
> But if you do feel that what you are getting through this pile of old
> stuff stashed in a Salt Lake City basement is actually worthwhile,
> making a contribution to the fund drive.  There are several ways to do so.
> Send a check for $4 or $7 or $11.47 or $77.11 or whatever amount of US
> you feel comfortable with, made out to Fat Chance Garage, to the address
> Fat Chance Garage
> PO Box 58333
> Salt Lake City, UT 84158
> ==
> Send a note with Visa or Mastercard info to the above address as well.
> ==
> FAX Visa or Mastercard info to me at 801-355-5438
> ==
> Contribute via PayPal [ ] using the address
> ==
> Point your web browser to which I promise
> update RealSoonNow, go to the bottom of the page and click on the 'Donate'
> button.  The logo only shows Visa and Mastercard, but I think they
> accept Discover and American Express now.  I'd try it to find out for
> but I can't pay my account from my account.  Imagine that.
> ==
> You can order Triumph parts from The Fat Chance Garage and the profit will
> in one way or another assist in keeping the lists going.  Of course, those
> of you who may have sent a parts query my way are no doubt aware of the
> level of customer service I provide when I'm wearing *that* hat.  I'll
> work on being more timely with my responses.
> ==
> I'll also work on being more timely in acknowledging contributions of any
> type, and not procrastinate so long.  If you don't provide an email
> with your contribution, though, it could take a while.
> One thought I've had regarding funding for the basic operations of the
> is making archives for the various lists available on CDs for some nominal
> It is one possibility, assuming issues with format and such are worked out
> everyone's satisfaction.  Any interest in that approach?
> If you're willing to contribute, thanks in advance.  If for whatever
> you won't be contributing, don't worry, we'll keep on keepin' on.
> mjb.

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