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Re: To Californiaians - [Fwd: CA CO2 regulation / AB 1058 /

To: <>
Subject: Re: To Californiaians - [Fwd: CA CO2 regulation / AB 1058 /
Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2002 09:32:27 EST
In a message dated Mon, 1 Apr 2002  3:39:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, "Fred 
Thomas" <> writes:

> > > Depends...will the SUV's be trucks (how they're legislated) or
> > > cars (how they're really used)?
> >
> ======================================
> Remember vehicles such as the Dodge Caravan are classified as =trucks= and
> not as passenger cars, this was done for tax purposes by the factories.
> "FT"

In New York State, owners of pickup trucks are now allowed to register same as 
passenger vehicles, in order to be able to drive on certain "passnger car only" 
parkways, etc. 

--Andy Mace

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