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To Californiaians - [Fwd: CA CO2 regulation / AB 1058 / April

To: british-cars <>
Subject: To Californiaians - [Fwd: CA CO2 regulation / AB 1058 / April
From: Simon Matthews <>
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 19:32:01 -0800 (PST)
As soon as someone realizes that Carbon Dioxide emissions are VERY VERY 
closely linked to the amount of fuel used and therefore, this is an 
attempt to limit miles per gallon, this will die! What is more, surely it 
is unconstitutional, since the right to legislate MPG requirements is 
still with the federal government? 

There is simply no way to reduce CO2 emissions without reducing fuel 
usage. All those gas-guzzling SUVs would be legislated off the road by 

What never ceases to amaze me is how politicians think the can legislate 
away the laws of physics! Or perhaps it is merely very bad advice? 

Perhaps they will want to legislate against people breathing? Or against
new power stations (except for nuclear power stations).


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