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Spitfire Survey - British Car Magazine

Subject: Spitfire Survey - British Car Magazine
From: (Richard Feibusch)
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 14:19:15 -0800 (PST)
Dear Triumph & Spitfire Listers,

One of my jobs at British Car Magazine, here in California, is to track the
market of popular older British marques and write a Buyer's Guide on a
different one for each issue. The next issue will be on the Spitfire and
the GT6.

My usual method is to phone a few of BCM's advertizers, British car repair
shops, local California Triumph Club contacts and a few special interest
car dealerships. Values come from the popular bookstore guides like
N.A.D.A. and Kieth Martin's Market Letter. I also monitor a number of
online lists and newsgroups, looking for trends and interesting facts to be
included. That part of the job is easy. Squeezing it down to one page of
small type is the hard part!

This month, I have convinced Editor Gary Anderson to let me try something
different. I would like to build this report on comments from you. The
format is as such:

This is kind of introducing the car to the people who don't really know it,
placing the car in automotive history, and presenting the history of the
car in a couple of paragraphs - no more!

Good Points
Why a Spitfire???

Bad Points
or what negatives to look for when buying this car

And finally a Value Report

What I need from you is to tell me what you like about your Spitfire and
what advice would you give a newcomer to Spitfires and GT6s about buying
and restoring a car?

Why should someone consider a Spitfire over other British roadsters?

How much is a REAL NICE Spit/GT6 worth where you live - tell series and details

It has to be short - about two lines or so . . . . . Also, please give me
your name and town/state.

Thanks for your help - please keep it short - let's see how well this works!

Rick Feibusch
Editorial Board
British Car Magazine

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