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Dragon Movie, no LBC content

Subject: Dragon Movie, no LBC content
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 08:48:22 -0800
This at least has English content:

When I was a kid, I saw a movie that I'd really like to find again.  I was
hoping someone else might remember it.  I remember the hero being a young
man who went to some woman in a cave, perhaps a witch of some sort.  She
gave him a special shield, sword, white horse and perhaps other fighting
stuff.  I'm pretty sure he went off to fight a dragon.  This was in the
late 60s, early 70s, but could have been an older movie, though definitely
in color.

Does anyone remember this movie?

Someone did suggest to me: Clash of the Titans, Seventh Voyage of Sinbad,
Jason and the Argonaughts, and Dragonslayer.  All good movies, but none of
them were the one I'm trying to find.


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