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Re: Mini Spares Center adjustable belt timing setup for A

Subject: Re: Mini Spares Center adjustable belt timing setup for A
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 16:12:58 EST
In a message dated 11/22/01 12:45:43 Pacific Standard Time, 

 The question is - where? It doesn't appear that it could really
 lead to the main crankcase, since the front engine plate directly
 in the path of the hole seems to be hanging out in the air. 
 Is it just venting the belt area? If so, why is this useful? 
Chris, there is a passage into the crankcase from the timing chain 
not block the breather!!  It vents the crankcase.  The racers cut the top out 
of the oil seperator to give it even more breathing (which it needs in my 
experience).  Originally it was hooked up to a PCV valve on the manifold.  I 
could never get this arrangement to work right but I have a highly modified 
1380cc A series motor.  I also installed a vent that utilizes the spot where 
a mechanical fuel pump used to be on some applications.  Mini Mania make an 
oil seperator for this spot.  I also had to cut a 1" dia. hole in the top of 
the valve cover filler cap to finally get my leakage under control.  A couple 
of big fat Kotex'es bungied under the front and back of the sump takes care 
(mostly) of it now!!  Some day, I'll go looking for the leaks....but its too 
much fun driving now!

Terry in Oakland

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