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Re: Hayward ABFM & swap meety

To: "Roland Dudley" <>,
Subject: Re: Hayward ABFM & swap meety
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 01 12:13:19 -0700
>Which one needs the most parts?

PLEEEEAAASSSEEE Roland, both my cars are in good operating condition 8*)

The LR just got a high gear ratio transfer case, new front ring & pinion, 
new front brakes, new front axle, on board air compressor and tank and 
rear ARB air locker.

The TR3A just got a new used factory grill (larger air openings than the 
repro grill).

Hows the 289 Cobra rebuild coming?  I see massages asking about parts 
every once and a while but not heard a project status update in a LONG 
time.  I really would like to see your snake back on the road.
>> Anyone planning on going to the Hayward All British Field and swap meet 
>> this Sunday?

TeriAnn Wakeman               Marigold Ltd.
Santa Cruz, California        Web design, site updating, testing      search engine optimization, graphics
                              and more

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