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Zerk/Grease Fittings

Subject: Zerk/Grease Fittings
From: Mike Rambour <>
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 17:05:06 -0800
   Happy New Year to all of you...I am starting off my new year with a very 
minor problem that I hope one of you guys out there in netland can help me 
solve.   I am working on a 1934 Singer Le Mans and currently doing the 
front end on it.  The front ball joints have grease fittings on them but 2 
of them are missing, one is broken off so I need some new ones.  I can't 
find new ones !  They are 5/16 BSW threads, that is 18 Threads Per Inch, 
not the standard 22TPI that BSF would have.  Anyone know where I can get 
such a thing in the U.S. ?  I have tried all my usual sources and I can't 
even find 5/16BSF ones although I bought some from the Singer Owners Club 
in the UK a few years ago so I know the BSF ones are available there.  I 
tried Moss and as usual was no help unless I knew the Moss part number, I 
also tried my old standby "British Tools and Fasteners" and they didn't 
have it either.

    Like I said in the beginning it is minor little problem, its apart so I 
don't have to worry about metal shavings and can tap it out to fit 8mm 
fittings or weld up the hole and drill/tap for a standard 1/4 fitting, but 
I am lazy and if I can find the right ones to just screw into it, I would 
prefer it.


~~~~~ I'd rather be sailing and  ~~~ .oooO  Oooo.  ~~~~~~~~~~~
Mike Rambour                                   (    )  (     )    
Bug Writer er...Programmer                \   )   (   /                  \_)  (_/  
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