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Re: XKs Unlimited Knock-off Wrench

Subject: Re: XKs Unlimited Knock-off Wrench
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 12:31:58 -0800 (PST)

I just checked this site.  The $22 wrench is apparently the same brand
as the one sold by XKs, 'cuz even the ad blurb is the identical.
However, I believe this one is the correct size for my car and the XLs
one most likely isn't.

Thanks again,


> Roland Dudley writes:
> > I find that for routine maintenance I have to remove the wheels from my
> > snake far more often than I do for my other cars.  XKs Unlimited sells a
> > wrench for eared knock-offs for $30 I'm thinking about ordering.  I'm
> > wondering if anyone on the list has one, and if so what you think of it.
> > From the picture it appears to be made of wood and is similar to one I
> > have the plans for and was thinking about making.
> Strange coincidence.  In Thursday's snail mail I received a catalog
> from (what's wrong with this picture? :^)
> Anyway, I noticed that they have a metal knock-off wrench for $40.  
> Their web site also shows what they call a "protective knock-off 
> wrench" for $22.  This nothing more than a metal plate with a hole cut
> out for the knock-off.  You place the plate over the knock-off and 
> then beat the plate with the hammer.  It's kind of hard to describe, 
> go to the URL below to see a picture.  If you have the proper
> metal-cutting tools you could make one of these plate things.
> Both the tools can be seen at 
> I have no financial connection to
> -- 
> T.J. Higgins
> Huntsville, AL

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