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To: <>
Subject: stuff
From: "John D'Agostino" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 21:12:06 -0400
It's been a good week for cars. I stopped at John Carey's the other day,
(the Daimler guy for those Daimler impaired folks) he's always got a fine
selection of British iron or glassfibre on hand.
He was working on a customers SP250 trying to get the boot to close
properly. He is no lightweight but managed to squeeze himself into the trunk
close the lid and examine the latch. I guess Daimler advertising was on the
money when they described the SP250 as having a "generous boot for a sports
The owner of this particular car had fitted three stop watches onto the
dash, along with an extra oil, and water temp gauges, can't quite figure
that one out.

There was another SP recently out of the body shop, whose paint was coming
off in sheets, and you thought glassfibre was easy to work with!.

Then there is the one that caught fire and burned down to the chassis. The
owner was so mad he trucked it to John and said see you later. (still smells
bad 2 years later)
There are several more cars in various states of disrepair that I won't go
into right now.

I also test drove a 67 Mercedes 230sl, kind of a dog actually, but those
doors close like a vault.

And today was so warm (in Massachusetts) that I loaded the kids in the
Impaler, dropped the top and went for a nice ride, probably the last one for
the season, with the kids anyway, it gets a bit breezy in the back seat.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: Austin Healey

> John-
>         Last time I was at the Pettin' Zoo, the Impalas were partial to
> carrots...Might try
> just waving one until the critter moves over.
> Tony in NJ

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