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Moses/ Triumphs/Jerico/ Mt. Sinai

To: "''" <>
Subject: Moses/ Triumphs/Jerico/ Mt. Sinai
From: "Taffel, Sherman" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 12:50:08 -0400
Having  enjoyably found the quotes by Rick and Roland  about Moses and
Triumphs most timely, I share this one I also heard just yesterday:

George W. Bush goes to Heaven and thinks he sees an old man with long white
hair and beard.
He approaches and asks the man "Are you Moses"?
No reply from the old man
GWB goes closer, asks again
No relpy.
GWB goes over to the man, and asks him in his ear: Are you Moses?
The old man slowly turns and replies; softly, in a whisper 'Yes, I am".
GWB then asks Moses why he didn't answer him, and why is he whispering.

Moses replies: "The last time I spoke to a Bush, I spent Forty years in the
*From the posts, I guess its a good thing Moses had a Triumph Motorcycle (to
'keep him busy'), or is that why it took 40 years to leave the desert?!
* I wonder if there's a message here for America?


Sherman D. Taffel
Columbia MD
'65 TR4
4 Jags
2 Jensens

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