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Re: Aluminum corrosion after cleaning

Subject: Re: Aluminum corrosion after cleaning
From: "Triumph Nut" <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 19:10:47 EDT
Glen, there is a product sold  at boating supplies stores, that is just for 
this. I have a can at my shop and can't get you the name but it comes in a 
white spray can. It's great after degreasing carbs and such, none of that 
white powder, anyone you ask there should know, it's very common.

Jack Levy

>From: "Glen Wilson" <>
>Reply-To: "Glen Wilson" <>
>To: "RoverNet Mailing List" <>,        "British 
>Car Mailing List" <>
>Subject: Aluminum corrosion after cleaning
>Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 09:42:45 -0400
>Anyone know of a good way to keep aluminum from getting that white 
>on it after being cleaned up?  I'd prefer something you can just wipe on to
>the metal rather than a hard, lacquer-like coating.
>From: Glen Wilson @ Pennsylvania, USA
>Rover Saloon Touring Club of America


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