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Re: Neoprene Rubber Sheet Needed

Subject: Re: Neoprene Rubber Sheet Needed
From: Charles R Irvin <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 08:23:50 -0700

Try a GOOD surplus store!

I was looking for a similar thing about 8 years ago, for mudflaps on a
"rally" Mini: I found just the item at a place called Oxman's
Surplus...have no idea where they got it from - possibly Douglas Aircraft
Surplus Sales, or the like. (and they had various thicknesses)


On Mon, 22 May 2000 08:00:29 -0700 (PDT) Roland Dudley <>
> Does anyone know of a source for neoprene sheet (~1/16" thick) 
> rubber?
> I live in the South San Francisco Bay area, so a local source would 
> be
> nice, but mail order will due if that is the only option.
> For those of you living in the Bay Area, I've already tried four 
> Orchard
> Supply Hardware stores.  All four claimed to sell it, but none had 
> any
> on hand or seemed inclined to restock.  Home Depot doesn't carry it 
> at
> all.
> Oh, it's for my car, so this is a genuine LBC quest.
> TIA,
> Roland

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where all the women are strong,
all the men are good-looking,
and all the children, are above average."


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