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Re: brit car week

To: "Fred Thomas" <>
Subject: Re: brit car week
From: Barney Gaylord <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 01:31:45 -0500
>At 11:06 AM 5/20/2000 -0400, Fred Thomas wrote:
>>Listers, for brit-car week, .... if my figures are correct, I'm driving
.... about 1800 miles round trip, anybody going to top that in a LBC this
week ??. ....

After which at 08:40 PM 5/20/2000 -0500, Barney Gaylord wrote:

>Well, maybe.  I'm already off to a good start.  I'll keep track and let
you know.

So here's the first update.  I only drove the MGA about 40 miles on
Saturday to a tech session, but substantially more on Sunday.  I ran from
Chicago to Champaign to run in an SCCA autocross at Champaign County
Fairgrounds.  Short version of the results, I took the FTDI trophy with 50
drivers.  YEE HAA !!!  Someone was taking pictures too, so maybe I'll get a
current one on my web site soon.  That E-Stock one was a few years old.
Someone else handed me a tape of in car video (mine) from an autocross a
couple of weeks back, so now I have several minutes of review to attend to
after I get some sleep.  After today's (yesterday's) autocross I also spent
a few hours test running the route for the upcoming Friday Night Rally,
then headed back home.  Total mileage for Sunday of British Car Week is 375
miles, and that was just a couple of side trips.  More to come of course.
Seven more days?

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

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