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Re: Stainless Steel Brake Lines

Subject: Re: Stainless Steel Brake Lines
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 15:10:46 -0700 (PDT)

Lots of places sell brake line by the roll.  J.C. Whitney, for one.
For better quality stuff you might try one of the after market 
performance car outfits.  JEGS sells copper plated terne coated line
in 25' coils.  Terne coating is a mixture of lead and tin.  Their web 
site is at  You can order from them on line or request a 

I have an Aircraft Spruce catalog at home.  I'll check on the Bundy 
line for you tonight.  Lots of neat stuff in their catalog, BTW.


>    I was told never to use plain household copper tubing (although I know 
> someone who did use it on their car which should be on the road this 
> summer).  I tried to get steel tubing but my local shops only sell it in 
> pre-cut lengths with fittings on, so I have to cut and reflare them and 
> splice since they are short.  I was also told I should use something called 
> cupra-nickel lines (no idea if that is the right name) but I can't find 
> that either.  I just want to buy a roll of the stuff since I have to do 2 
> cars and  I won't find pre-made lines for them.  Where and what should be 
> used ?
>      Mike
> p.s. on the website there is a GREAT brake article but the 
> recommended place for bundy tubing (spruce aircraft supply I think it was) 
> does not list bundy tubing on the website.  Waiting for catalog :)
> ~~~~~ I'd rather be sailing ~~~~~~~and \/    \/  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Mike Rambour                              .oooO  Oooo.
> Bug Writer er...Programmer            (   )   (   )

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