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How many LBCs? Box beam size?

Subject: How many LBCs? Box beam size?
From: (Chris Amley - 3M Co. - St. Paul, MN)
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 19:44:34 -0600
There was a recent post re the estimated current population of MGAs.  As a TR-3
owner I'm curious about how many of *those* might be around in North America or

Also, I know Ray Gibbons did *not* suggest building a box beam from 2x4s and 
1/2" plywood to help suspend an engine.  He did *not* suggest laying it over
several trusses in the roof.  Hence, if I did this and the whole garage fell
down, my wife could blame me, but not Ray.  But if he *had* made such a
suggestion, what size would he have suggested making the beam in cross-section?
                |XX|  ^
                |  |  how many inches?
                |  |  |
                |XX|  v

Chris Amley                   
TR-3A TS39449L

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  • How many LBCs? Box beam size?, Chris Amley - 3M Co. - St. Paul, MN <=