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Re: Pulling engines

To: Andrew Dooley <>
Subject: Re: Pulling engines
From: (Stan Fickes)
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 10:25:32 -0800
Andrew asked:
>   While pulling the engine out of my Midget is one of the many projects I
>would prefer not to think about, the recent discussion brought to mind a
>question I had been thinking about.  When I have to pull my engine, can I
>simply throw a rope over the trusses in my garage and pull, or would I
>be better off to invest some money and buy one of those big, ugly, engine-
>pulling things?  I have this horrible feeling that the engine will be coming
>out more than once, and if having proper equipment makes this any easier, I'd
>just as soon buy it before pulling the engine a few times.

I have always thrown a chain over the joists in the garage, and used a
chain hoist to pull the engine/gearbox assembly.  I usually brace the joist
I use with a 2x6 long enough to wedge into place next to the car, but I
don't think it's really necessary.  I have never heard any creaking or seen
any flexing in the joists (they're just 2x4s, with the 4 dimension
vertical), and I have many neighbors who store a lot of stuff in the garage
overhead area.  Of course, if you pull down your garage, I don't want to
hear... sf

Stan Fickes                    British Cars
Wireless Communications        1951 MGTD (under construction) NEMGTR 10492
Advanced Technology Group      1965 Austin-Healey Sprite (daily driver)
Apple Computer, Inc.
408 974-7653

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