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More on the hunt for Dad's TR

Subject: More on the hunt for Dad's TR
From: (John Kuper)
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 20:19:19 -0600
>  Many thanks to all the people have given help so far.

>I dug up an old insurance form from 1975.  It lists Dad's old 1968 TR4A's
>commision number as:  CTL 713641   This obviously isn't right.  I don't know
>if it is a typo, or if it really was titled under that number, but I figure
>it is really supposed to be CTC 71364 L.  What do you think?  Anybody know >if
>it is out there? (people with VTR lists that is)  

>If not, do you think I would have any luck contacting the Tennessee DOT or
>DMV  (whatever their version is down there) for records that old?  I'm sure >a
>7 year old, slightly wrecked TR-4A didn't attract a lot of buyers back in >75.
> It might still be in that dentist's backyard in Chattanooga.
 contact the DMV and have them do a VIN search on there database, it 
generally has a small fee, this might lead you in the right direction.
good luck.

1960 TR3A (tag TR3BABY) we have owned it for 22 years

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