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Daren Stone's Europa pic

Subject: Daren Stone's Europa pic
From: (Scott W. Paisley 303-497-7691)
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 10:38:02 -0700
Gee wizz time flys.  Fun or no fun, it seems to warp right along...

My visit of the San Jose solers, included a stop at the local pub.
This was a good thing as I met several of the Bay area group.  It was
quite fun.  (This was back in Dec of 1994)  Anyway, Daren had brought
pictures of his latest prize find, the Europa S2.  I managed to
somehow pry a picture out of his hand to take home with me.  It's now
on triumph in the Images directory titled, "ds-europa.gif"  It's a
small pic, but shows off Daren's enthusiasm, and the front of the
europa, patiently waiting for attention.

My TR is still waiting for me to give it the attention it deserves,
and I'll be sure to let you all know how the cam/timing saga ends when
I get to it.


-Scotty "Get your butt off the slopes and into the garage" Paisley

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