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Re: Wah Yer Speling, etc.

Subject: Re: Wah Yer Speling, etc.
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 95 09:35:17 cst
I certainly wouldn't want my personal hangups about the English language
to prevent anyone from contributing to this list. I read all messages
with interest (well, most of them. Well, some of them) and I pretty much
ignore typos and grammatical errors.

Having said that, I now take this opportunity to vent a little of my
frustration. Please note, a single occurrence of an error doesn't even
get my attention. It's those errors that occur repeatedly that begin to
get to me...

LOOSE (adjective) - not tight.
LOSE (verb) - not win.

BREAK (verb) - to make not whole.
BRAKE (verb) - to stop or cause to stop.

I have been particularly disturbed by the lose/loose mistakes. I have
seen this appear on almost every newsgroup. This was new to me, but
apparently quite pervasive. 

Gee, I feel better already...


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