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Re: More Title questions

Subject: Re: More Title questions
From: (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 95 10:26:29 CST writes:
> Secondly, my dad bought a 4A new in Atlanta in 68 and after a minor fender
> bender a few years later in Chattanooga, he sold it to a dentist there who
> had "a backyard full of old Triumphs."  My dad died last year, and seeing how
> much I'm into TR-4's, I thought it would be fun to find his old car.  Even if
> it's all rusted out, I still wouldn't mind actually owning the title to it
> (and add the parts to my collection).
> Anybody got any Idea how I might go about finding it?

There is an active British car club in Chattanooga, the Southern 
British Car Club.  Contact Bernie Watkins, 1046 Druid Dr., Signal Mtn.,
TN  37377.  Sorry, I don't have a phone number handy.

T.J. Higgins     |         | (205) 730-7922
Intergraph Corp. | Mapping Sciences Division | Huntsville, AL, USA

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