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To: (
Subject: mini-list
From: Marcel Chichak <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 1995 22:35:58 MST

Sol Mates:

Yesterday Russell Shiel <> was asking:

>Contact sought with Mini-associated newsgroup(s). Please advise.

Yer in luck! I may be snowed under in mail (virtual and paper) but I
still manage to read most of it! Text from mini-list follows:

                Announcing the Mini mailing list! 
(Previously known as M.I.N.I but through some technical snafu it wouldn't 
 work right, it's fixed now, fingers crossed!)

A list for fans, disciples and addicts of Sir Alec's Mini. Meep, meep!

Frequently Asked Questions: 

*What is the mini-list?

It's kind of the Mini World of the Net, except more objective and
timely but without pretty pictures. 

*What do we talk about?

Repairs, restoration, driving, tyres, racing, sources of parts, reviews
of commercial outlets, quality of brands, diagnosis of problems, Mini
meets, you name it. And we don't restrict discussion, if you feel the
need to slag a supplier for giving you the run-around, let fly. Hey, we
have to deal with those same suppliers too you know!

*What about advertising?

We don't allow any commercial advertising but you're welcome to post any
bit-n-pieces you have an excess of, there's always someone in need of
things. This policy may change, who knows?

*How much traffic can I expect?

Unknown. With about 100 people on the list, 75% of which are lurkers,
you can expect possibly 10 messages on a good day. These things tend to
go in waves too, so you may get very little for a while, then a juicy
topic comes up....

*Who's on the list?

Miniacs from all over the world: North America, UK, Australia, Italy,
Netherlands, South Africa.... and growing! Racers, rallyists, restorers
and drivers (and, yes, a few non-Mini owners!).

*Who started the list?

The Mini list was the brain child of John Bullas in the UK ('el presidente 
grande: Southern MOC ) and Marcel Chichak ( in Canada 
(MINIster of Transport: Edmonton MOC). The list is being run from
Marcel's server for which he is paying hard earned cash to maintain. Any
contributions in the form of jelly babies will be gratefully gobbled.
Club newsletters and regalia also accepted at par :-)

*How do I get on the list?

To subscribe, send an email to:
in the subject line type:       <whatever you want! unread anyway>
in the first message line type: subscribe mini-list <loginname@netaddress>

*How do I remove myself from the list?

Send an email to:     
in the first message line type: unsubscribe mini-list <loginname@netaddress>

*Anything else? Ask the list! Post your questions to 


*Marcel Chichak  Certified Mini Nut | Go in deeper, come out  * 
*voice (403)466-6004                |harder and come from     *
*Edmonton, Alberta, Canada          |behind!, That's what it's* 
*              |like to race a Mini!     *
'69 Morris Cooper, 39,999.9 Miles and counting!

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