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Cal Club event problems

To: gabe@ESRI.COM
Subject: Cal Club event problems
From: Sheening Lin <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 00:33 PST
I think I remember the event you are talking about, actually. If you are
talking about the event at Hollywood Park in August, then I was about a minute
away from being in the same predicament you were in with your driver's license.

If I remember correctly, that particular event was either THE first time or one
of the first times they had an event at Hollywood Park. This may have
contributed to the confusion and problems that you experienced.

I would, by no means, call myself an autocross veteran. I've attended
about 10 events, all in the Cal Club region. The Hollywood Park event, however,
was the ONLY event that I've been to that has actually collected driver's
licenses as collateral for loaner helmets. So, I think that if you do decide
to give autocrossing in the Cal Club region another shot, you will not have
to worry about repeating your problems with your driver's license.

In general, I have found most of the events very organized and, more
importantly, very fun. I do agree, however, that in order to have fun in
Solo II, you cannot look at it as merely 3 minutes of run time for a half or
whole day in the sun. I'm sure other autocrossers would agree when I say that
half the fun in going to these events is watching others run around the
course, and even working on the course (with the possible exception of very
hot days). I don't really see a need to find hired help to work on the course,
as course working is entertaining and could be helpful, as well. When I
am working on the course (especially when my work group is prior to my run
group) I find it really beneficial to watch the others go around the course
to see what kind of line they are taking, where they are braking, etc. That
way, you can get a sense for how you should attack the course when you are
driving around it.

I'm not sure if that particular event you mentioned was your first one, but
if it was, it is understandable that you may have felt very disoriented and
ignored by the people running the event. When I first began, I learned pretty
quickly that the organizers are usually too busy running the event to answer
the many questions of a beginner. I suggest that you ask one of the other
competitors if you don't get an answer from the people at the desk. They are
almost always very helpful.

Give the Cal Club another try. I believe the first championship event is on
the 29th of January. (818) 988-RACE for info.

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