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Re: Air Conditioning

Subject: Re: Air Conditioning
From: (Michael Burdick)
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 95 14:54:53 CST
   > 2. Even though its only winter, I can already see that by in effect pulling
   > heat out of 
   > the cockpit and placing it in front of the radiator (released in the
   > evaporator coil) .  
   > is going to result in a problem with the engine overheating.  I already 
   > a big 
   > electric fan in front, with the engine driven fan behind the
   > evaporator/radiator, but 
   > what is a logical next step to get more cooling?  Is there a higher 
   > radiator which would fit in the Midget or perhaps is an oil cooler or
   > something 
   > else the next step?

Hey Joe,

Am I missing something or aren't you really trying to cool all of Texas
with this setup? I know that when I'm driving the old Spit around,
there's constant mixing of cockpit air with the rest of the atmosphere. 
Now if you were doing this in a car with a roof and the windows rolled
up, I could see where this might be a useful thing, but...  Oh, wait, I
think I see what I missed.  Oops. 


PS.  I know an oil cooler sure helped on my Spit.  It runs cool as a
cucumber now.  Also, I don't know if the Midget has cardboard air
deflectors like Triumphs, but if it does, make sure those are in place. 
They help air move through the right places in the engine compartment
and can really help cooling.  Good luck. 

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