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Re: Awww nuts!

Subject: Re: Awww nuts!
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 95 12:20:44 -0800
In message <> 
Gord Mummery writes:
> This is a attempt to start a tread on threads.
> After waiting a year to get my car back from the bodyshop, I am now 
> attempting to put it all back together again. What should be a joyous 
> task is turning out to be just a tad frustrating. First of all my garage 
> is freezing and to small :-(. Secondly, I've seems to have misplaced 
> about 40 various nuts and bolts.
> Soooo, of to the local home depot (Its close). I show the sales person in 
> the nut department ( really !)." Well", he says," What is that off?" I 
> can tell by the look on his face that he will be of no help.
> By the way, if your looking for metric car nuts and bolts, Home Depot 
> does have a good selection, but nothing for british cars.
> So what exactly is the difference between north american standard and 
> british nuts and bolts. Secondly, does anyone know of any place in the 
> west end of Toronto that can supply british nuts and bolts? I whould 
> prefer not to have to send off to TRF with the canadian dollar at such a 
> sorry state :-(, but that still is an option.

At least you have a garage to work in.  So purchase a propane or coal oil 

As far as Nuts & bolts, you didn't say what you are rebuilding.  Unless it is 
something really old it most likely uses SAE corse thread for bolts & studs that
go directly into the cast iron engine parts & SAE fine thread for everything 
else except the SUs which are Witworth.

As I rebuild my TR3, I'm putting in new bolts every place I can.  My old ones 
thend to be rusty, and I remember the trials of getting them off.  So I'm using 
anti-seize alot.  Luckally I have a major hardware store close by.  I'm finding 
myself making bolt runs all the time.  I often carry parts with me to make sure 
the bolts will be the right size.  When you reuse a bolt, or stud, run a die or 
thread chaser down it to clean up the threads before reusing, & don't forget to 
use a tap on those nuts & stud holes.

Collecting a big pile of genuine 30+ year old rusty bolts that WILL NOT see my 
TR3 again!

TeriAnn Wakeman        Large format photographers look at the world     upside down and backwards     

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