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Re: TR-6 Oil Canister

Subject: Re: TR-6 Oil Canister
From: Ken Streeter <>
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 1995 10:33:22 -0500
Jim Buchanan writes:

> From: T. James Buchanan at MSITX7 1995/01/09 07:52
> Subject: TR-6 Oil Canister
> To: texbell.internet at MSIGATE1
> -------------------------------- Message Contents ---------------------------
> ---

> Help anybody!  I changed the oil filter on my 76 TR-6, and cannot get a good
> seal when reinstalling the filter canister.  Are there any tricks?  Would a
> coat of Permatex on the sealing ring help?  Should I press the canister up
> against the block when tightening the bolt, or let the canister spin during
> tightening ?

Boy, this sounds familiar!  I had similar problems on my first TR6 oil change. 
(You can read all about it at 
What I found is that holding the canister still to prevent spinning helps a
great deal.  When the canister spins, the sealing ring gets twisted out from
underneath the canister lip, allowing lots of oil to leak out.  

It is best to use a new sealing ring.  (One should have come with the
replacement filter.)  You should also make sure that there isn't already an
extra sealing ring in the groove.  Some people have found that their problems
were due to some PO *adding* an extra ring when they changed the filter, and
leaving the old ring in the groove on the block -- the old sealing rings can be
hard to get out of the block.

> Should the sealing ring be coated with oil prior to tightening (as on a
> spin-on oil filter)?

Coating the sealing ring with oil shouldn't hurt.  But, it shouldn't be
necessary in this case, since the sealing ring shouldn't spin around when
tightening down the canister.  (The oil is put on a spin-on filter seal to allow
the seal to "slip" on the mating surface, rather than bind, twist, and leak.)
However, when I did my oil change, everything near the oil filter canister got
covered with oil as a result of leaks the first time I put the canister on, so
my sealing ring was thoroughly coated with oil by the time I got a good seal.

Good Luck!

Kenneth B. Streeter         | ARPA:
Lockheed Sanders, PTP2-A001 | UUCP: ...!uunet!!streeter
65 River Road               | Voice: (603) 885-9604
Hudson, NH 03051            | Fax:   (603) 885-0631

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