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Innocenti Minis

Subject: Innocenti Minis
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 18:40:29 -0500
Geoff Bishel ( writes:

"I know that there exists an Innocenti derivative of the Mini, I've seen
a good number of them in Italy, and several elsewhere (not in the US
though... too bad)."

While they are certainly rare, there are a few Innocenti Minis here in the
States as one of our Iowa British Car Club members here in Des Moines has
quite a lovely silver one.  In this case the car is indistinguishable from a
first generation British Mini other than the badges, IOW it is definitely not
"more squared off".  If I remember correctly his is a '65, so it's certainly
possible that Innocenti took more liberties with the coachwork on later

Ric Johnson

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