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It was the battery...

Subject: It was the battery...
From: (Stan Fickes)
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 1995 15:33:48 -0800
Well, after all the advice I solicited a while back, I finally got around
to fixing my no-start problem in the Sprite.  Symptoms?  She would start
great in the afternoon, but in the morning would crank slowly without
firing for about 6 seconds then stop cranking completely.  So, I went
through the high-current wiring and cleaned up all the contacts, solenoid,
even replaced one of the battery cables.  Then I tested the generator and
control box (regulator), both of which tested correctly.  I checked for
current leaks, but could find no puddles of electrons.  Just oil.  Finally,
I made sure the battery was fully charged one evening, then got out the
next morning to start her up.  As usual, 6 seconds of slow cranking, then
dead.  (sound of hand hitting slowly receding hairline)  It's the 2 year
old 65-month guarantee battery!  The gentlemen behind the Kragen counter
were gracious, and had a "computerized" battery tester, which did some load
testing on the battery and concluded it was defective.  So, I have a new
battery, the same old charging system, and an engine that cranks over at
twice the speed it has been for the last year or so.  She also starts
almost instantly!  To celebrate, I came in to work today with the top down,
much to the amusement of all the sedan drivers out there.  "Did you know
it's raining?"  "Oh really?  I hadn't noticed.  That explains why
everything's wet..."
  Thanks to all those who gave advice; I guess I'll keep my generator for
the time being.

Stan Fickes                    British Cars
Wireless Communications        1951 MGTD (under construction) NEMGTR 10492
Advanced Technology Group      1965 Austin-Healey Sprite (daily driver)
Apple Computer, Inc.
408 974-7653

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