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Re: TF in the flix

Subject: Re: TF in the flix
From: "Doug Mitchell" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 13:06:41 -0500
On Tues, 27 Dec 1994 Will Zehring wrote:

> Fellow fiends:

> I've been away from the list for a while and this may be hopeless
> repitition, but I just saw "IQ" and it has a sweet TF in it.  Tim Robbins
> makes a joke or two about Lucas and wood dashboards too.

> Will Zehring

Yes, it was something like "How can the British expect Lucas electrics to
work when they spend all their time polishing the wood dashboard".

I must have been the only person in the theatre who has ever owned
anything from Lucas, I was the only one laughing.

Doug Mitchell

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