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Re: vacuum wipers

Subject: Re: vacuum wipers
From: Chip Old <>
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 1994 22:52:05 -0500 (EST)
On Tue, 27 Dec 1994, Andy Mace wrote:

> Seems to me I remember seeing them on early- to mid-1960s AMC (Rambler) 
> products. And not to belabour the point too much: at least in my 1951 
> Chevrolet, unless you were climbing a long hill or otherwise loading the 
> engine, you had the advantage of infinitely variable wiper speed 
> depending on how far you turned the wiper switch knob.
I remember that well.  The 1939 Buick, 1940 Chevrolet, 1949 Pontiac, and
1950 Chevrolet my family had when I started driving all had vacuum wipers. 
The Pontiac had a vacuum assist on the fuel pump which was supposed to 
keep the wipers going under low vacuum conditions, but it was only mildly 
> Back to electric wipers -- there is, perhaps, no more visually challenged 
> group than those who have ventured out into precipitation in an MG TC or 
> TD, or (almost as bad) a TR2 or TR3. (Please, no flames from Dellow 
> Swallow, SS100 or HRG owners -- you can't be any worse off!)
I'm well aquainted with T-Type MG wipers (see signature), and the wipers 
in my TR4 are basically the same as the TR2/3 design (not bad as long as 
everything works freely).
Chip Old              1948 M.G. TC  TC6710  NEMGTR #2271
Cub Hill, Maryland    1962 Triumph TR4  CT3154LO (daily transportation)

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