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Goodbye for '94 !

Subject: Goodbye for '94 !
From: Christopher Ball <>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 1994 12:43:21 -0500 (EST)
It's a just for a few weeks. Will I be busy enough to not really
NEED that SOL fix ?

Anyway, I'll resubscribe in early Jan 95 , but until then I wish 
you all - especially those of you whom I managed to meet this year-
a very Merry Christmas. I hope Santa brings you all the parts- I
mean presents- that you asked for.

Christopher  Ball   Toronto, Ont. (416) 751-8300 Work
75 Spitfire // 64 Healey 3000 Mk. III // 59 TR3A //66 BSA Thunderbolt

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