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answer to OLD question, was B&B

To: Scions of Lucas <>
Subject: answer to OLD question, was B&B
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 94 10:16:45 EST
OK let's try this again. Now that I'm able to post again.
On 11/29 (I told you this was an old question) Colin Brace wrote about
the BMW club and their glove box booklet listing volunteer BMW owners
willing to help other BMW owners travelling in their area. He also
asked if any of he national British car clubs have such a program.

Well Colin, you're in luck. Or at least Triumph owners are.

(Fanfare here)

VTR is just beginning to compile names and information for such a
program. The plan is officially sanctioned by VTR and the information
will be updated no less than annually. Program co-ordinator is:

Vicki Schlierer
P.O. Box 2509
Empire Station
Albany, NY 12220


Any SOLer's interested in joining this program should write or e-mail
Vicki for an application/information sheet. I also have a copy of the
application that I can e-mail to anyone who needs one in case you can't
get through to her electronically.

The plan is to have the first generation of this list available for
the '95 summer driving season, so we would like to hear from interested
folks as soon as possible. VTR members will see the official announcement
in the next magazine, but you lucky folks on the net don't have to wait.

I could think of at least 20 SOLer's who I would expect to sign up.
Would that be presumptious? Would I be wrong? Are there more?

Looking forward to hearing from you all.
Rik Schlierer
VTR Chapter Coordinator

Rik Schlierer                        "Keep a good thought"
NYSDOH Local Assistance                  (B. Miller)
Albany NY

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